
Ürgüp Sebahat ve Erol TOKSÖZ Tourism Vocational High School



Our school, which was built on March 10, 2007 by the philanthropic businessman Pharmacist Erol TOKSOZ from Ürgüp, was first connected to Hacettepe University; With the law dated 17 May 2007 and numbered 5662, it was transferred to Nevşehir University as "Urgup Sebahat and Erol Toksoz Vocational School (ÜSET Vocational School)".

Ürgüp Sebahat and Erol Toksöz Vocational School started education in the 2008-2009 academic year with two programs under the name of Computer Technologies and Programming and Construction Technician; Later, Tourism and Travel Services, Catering Services, Tourism and Hotel Management, Tourist Guiding, Cookery, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Tourism Animation programs were added to these sections.